Our most basic account allows you to access our master database and build your own unique digital binder either from the SDSs already in our inventory, or upload your own. You will be responsible for tracking and sorting your SDSs however you would like them managed.
Self Managed
SKU: 364215376135191
Price Options
Self Managed Account
C$19.99every month until canceled
- Unlimited User Accesibility
- 24/7 Online Access
- Toll Free Support
- SDS Self-Upload
- Android and Apple Access
- Digital Cloud hosting
- Access to Master Inventory
- Offline Access
- Custom Tagging and Sorting
- 3 year SDS Tracking and Updating by the SDS Smart team
- Company Logo and Custom Colouring
Cancellation can be requested at any time. Upon a requeste for cancellation the subscription billing will be imediately suspended and the client will have the option to either imediately have the account locked or locked at the end of the current billing cycle.